Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week Nine

I am sticking with my first idea for my WebQuest: Native Americans of Orange County. I really want to get my task figured out this week. I know I want groups to collaborate while researching tribes: Serrano, Gabrielenos, Juanenos, and/or Chumash. I’m not sure if I want to limit the research to three tribes or have four tribes and allow students to choose which three they research. (I'm also waiting for some feedback from a few 3rd grade teachers.)

The task:
I do not have this figured out just yet. However, two ideas have come to mind.

Idea #1) After researching, students will have to create a new tribe combining different elements from each of the original tribes. Students will create a logo or seal which represents their new tribe and prepare a written report, as well as, make a classroom presentation on their tribe. I’m not sure what my hook or reason that these tribes have to come together, possibly a common enemy, natural disaster, or dwindling population or space.

Idea #2) After researching, students will have to create a time capsule used to communicate between the past and the present. Groups will decide on four modern day objects, tools, customs, food, etc. to send to a Native American tribe of choice. The items must be helpful and conceivable for Native Americans. In addition, groups will decide, as Native Americans, which four items should be preserved for the future and why. Students will have to make an actual time capsule that can hold these items, and create replicas of each item. During a presentation, students will present the items received from and sent to Native Americans. They will have to discuss the importance and their justification for choosing it. Again, I’m not sure of my hook yet.

I would LOVE any ideas or comments. Especially on which idea is best and what my story/hook can be. You can start by taking my poll!

Following is a little about my process and some possible resources.
Process: Students will be gathering information on each tribe’s location, shelter, diet, tools, and customs. (Customs will incorporate clothing, religion, and arts or crafts.) Groups will decide how to assign researching responsibilities.

A Virtual Tour of the California Missions

General Information/History on Native Americans in Orange County

Legends Associated with Native Americans  of Orange County-I thought this site could get kids thinking and analyzing information to determine what we know is factual vs. what we believe is factual information.

General Information on the Chumash tribe

Facts & Images of the Chumash Indians

Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe Council

Juanenos Tribe Council

A Variety of images that could be ideas for student to create a Tribe Seal, logo or poster.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week Eight: My Wheels Are Spinning

Well, some of the points for this week’s blog were already mentioned in last week’s post so I appologize if this seems redundant.
First, my understanding of a WebQuest is that it is an inquiry based activity where students are seeking out information and gaining new knowledge via the World Wide Web which will then be used in order to complete a task. There are six elements which must be included in the WebQuest. An introduction which provides background knowledge what the WebQuest is for. A task that engages students and that students can successful complete. A variety of information sources that are mainly Web based. The process or steps students need to go through. Guidance is a step that is not always listed is very important if you plan to use this in a classroom setting and/or incorporate cooperative groups.  Finally, a conclusion which sums the project up and discusses the big ideas students should have acquired during the process.
So, for my project, I plan on completing a short term WebQuest, designed for third grade students. I am still heavily leaning towards focusing on Native Americans of Orange County. The standard for this is 3.2 Students describe the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent past. The power standard that I would want my task to focus on is: Discuss the ways in which physical geography, including climate, influenced how the local Indian nations adapted to their natural environment (e.g., how they obtained food, clothing, tools). Yet, I’m not sure what my exact task would be. I did get some great feedback from Loretta on possible tasks.
Here is a link to third grade Social Studies Standards:
However, another area I started contemplating is the local history of the school’s community which would be Rancho Santa Margarita, Dove Canyon, and Coto De Caza. I’ve been thinking about this one since I came across some great sources online such as original maps, letters, and city designs. The standard 3.3 is: Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land. The power standard is: Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps, photographs, oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources.  I believe this standard is often skimmed over or left out altogether.
Decisions, decisions…I would love anyone’s feedback or recommendations. You can email me directly or post them on this blog.  I also hope to ask some 3rd grade, teacher friends of mine to see which one they would be most likely to use. Once I begin planning the WebQuest I am sure I will have a stronger feeling as to which one to do.
Finally, I would like to integrate the Social Studies content with Language Arts curriculum. I want to design the task so that it can be used as a Language Arts/Social Studies center during a guided reading block and have students collaborating in small groups throughout the week. 
I am actually really looking forward to this project. I may be wrong but I think the technology aspect will not be difficult which means we can focus more on the design and content. We’ll see!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Web Quest

After reviewing the Course Documents related to the Web Quest assignment I was reminded of the hypermedia assignment many of us did earlier in EDEL515. The  main difference seems to be that I used PowerPoint to create the hypermedia as opposed to the World Wide Web. I'm excited to experiment with a Web Quest and appreciate the fact that the technology courses I have had through the CUSF master program seem to build on each other.

I know I have already mentioned that my EDEL594 final project is to write a curriculum guide on lessons for teachers on integrating technology into Social Studies. This project has been influence by my experience with learning technology provided by EDEL 512, EDEL 515, and currently, EDEL 522. Thank you Prof. Donovan! Therefore, I hope to use the Web Quest that I create as one of my curriculum guide lessons. I am currently writing the guide based on the third grade California Content Standards and Capistrano Unified School District's Social Studies Power Standards and Technology CORE Standards. So, for my Web Quest I plan on integrating standard 3.2, and relating it specifically to Native Americans of Orange County.

I picked the third grade for three reasons. First, I spent the last month subbing in a third grade class and will most likely be back in the class to finish off the school year. (I'm hoping this is not until May!) Second, I love third grade because the kids are excited to learn. I think it is a great year to focus on the proper way to work collaboratively because the kids are a bit more independent. And third, because I have my daughter's third grade work samples (all of which are traditional pencil & paper products) to work with. Since my goal is to provide teachers in my school district with some easy ways to incorporate technology into their instruction I want it it relate as much as possible to what they are currently doing.

I look forward to your feedback and any advice or suggestions you may have.

Ingrid Beaty