I am sticking with my first idea for my WebQuest: Native Americans of Orange County. I really want to get my task figured out this week. I know I want groups to collaborate while researching tribes: Serrano, Gabrielenos, Juanenos, and/or Chumash. I’m not sure if I want to limit the research to three tribes or have four tribes and allow students to choose which three they research. (I'm also waiting for some feedback from a few 3rd grade teachers.)
The task:
I do not have this figured out just yet. However, two ideas have come to mind.
Idea #1) After researching, students will have to create a new tribe combining different elements from each of the original tribes. Students will create a logo or seal which represents their new tribe and prepare a written report, as well as, make a classroom presentation on their tribe. I’m not sure what my hook or reason that these tribes have to come together, possibly a common enemy, natural disaster, or dwindling population or space.
Idea #2) After researching, students will have to create a time capsule used to communicate between the past and the present. Groups will decide on four modern day objects, tools, customs, food, etc. to send to a Native American tribe of choice. The items must be helpful and conceivable for Native Americans. In addition, groups will decide, as Native Americans, which four items should be preserved for the future and why. Students will have to make an actual time capsule that can hold these items, and create replicas of each item. During a presentation, students will present the items received from and sent to Native Americans. They will have to discuss the importance and their justification for choosing it. Again, I’m not sure of my hook yet.
I would LOVE any ideas or comments. Especially on which idea is best and what my story/hook can be. You can start by taking my poll!
Following is a little about my process and some possible resources.
Process: Students will be gathering information on each tribe’s location, shelter, diet, tools, and customs. (Customs will incorporate clothing, religion, and arts or crafts.) Groups will decide how to assign researching responsibilities.
A Virtual Tour of the California Missions http://missiontour.org/related/chumash.htm
General Information/History on Native Americans in Orange County
Legends Associated with Native Americans of Orange County-I thought this site could get kids thinking and analyzing information to determine what we know is factual vs. what we believe is factual information. http://www.legendsofamerica.com/ca-orangecounty.html
General Information on the Chumash tribe http://www.sbnature.org/research/anthro/chumash/intro.htm
Facts & Images of the Chumash Indians http://www.chumashindian.com/default.htm
Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe Council http://www.gabrielinotribe.org/
History of the Gabrielino Tribe http://www.gabrielinotribe.org/TribalHistory/tribal_history.cfm
Juanenos Tribe Council http://www.juaneno.com/
Serrano Indian History http://mojavedesert.net/serrano-indians
A Variety of images that could be ideas for student to create a Tribe Seal, logo or poster.